Virtual DRIPP Primal (45 min)
Tap into your primal codes and safely "go ape shit" in this fierce and feral practice.
Service Description
DRIPP Primal utilizes similar avenues to unlocking our somatic pathways as DRIPP, with more primal and playful flows, breath, and movements. This format is moderate to intense and we get weird and wild and loud -- so make sure to communicate to anyone in your space beforehand -- or practice outside! Adornment is still very much an invitation in this format, allowing yourself to play with what encourages you to feel extra wild and free. (I sometimes wear "war paint" on my face, leather arm bands or items that make a little noise is fun too.) Invitation to bring any percussion instruments as well (egg shaker, drum, etc) to help express your inner primal rhythms. Class begins and ends a lot like yoga, and in between we layer in self touch and massage, primal breathing, and primal flows to activate the wild within.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Thank you for booking! This gives you access to the livestream class as well as the recorded class. Recordings will be emailed out 24-48 hours after class. If you are planning on attending the livestream, please log in 5-10 minutes early so we can start on time, and try not to join more than 5-10 minutes late. We spend the beginning portion of class establishing safe space, consent, and a framework for all who attend. Joining too late can disturb others and your experience. It is recommended that you take time prior to joining to get your practice space and mind/body organized and prepared for an ultimately present experience. Come well nourished and hydrated and have water nearby. It is recommended to wear layers and clothes you can move around well in, and possible take off to give you access to as much skin as possible to enhance the self-touch aspects of class. You are encouraged to "adorn" yourself with oils, scents, clothing, makeup, and jewelry (if you feel called) as another layer to this beautiful practice. It is more than welcome to dress "sexy" or "primal" or any way that helps you alchemize how you are feeling or how you would *like* to feel. If you plan on sharing your screen, please ensure genitals are covered as consent and respect are of the utmost importance. For DRIPP-Hop specifically you will want to wear loose bottoms or a thong to allow for maximal ass shaking potential. If you attend, it is because you want to participate. It can be a beautiful medicine to be witnessed by others and inspired by others' expressions, however voyeuring is *not* what this space is for. It is also suggested that you have a 5-6' radius of floor space, a blanket or fuzzy rug or yoga mat (round ones are perfect for this format) to practice on. We will be barefooted or feel free to wear socks. Some formats you may want over-the-knee socks or knee pads for floor comfort. Feel free to reach out with any other questions or concerns to info@drippractice.com
Contact Details
2505 South State Street, South Salt Lake, UT, USA